jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008

Welcome to my blog!*

Hi! My name is Andreina but everybody calls me Andrea. I’m from Maracaibo, originally, I’m 18 years old and I study laws at URBE and letters in LUZ. I live with my family in Maracaibo in Cº2 district Simon Bolivar.

I love music, dancing, go shopping, go to the movies, studying English and Laws, talking on the phone with my friends. I like rice with chicken, soup, hamburgers,hots dogs and pizza. And I love my family, my friends, my country and my dog Aquiles.

I hate onions, smoking, listening ballenato, violence, war, injustice, getting up early on the weekend, and clean the patio.

My dream is to travel around the word, visit Europe and Japan. Of course I want to graduate from Laws school and be a good lawyer, and I want to graduate in LUZ from letters school. I’d love to work in a buffet to lawyer and buy a beautiful house, get married and start a family.

My opinion about English; I love to learn new languages. I think English is very important,because is very useful in our jobs in a future. I can write and speak english well but I need to practice more. I hope can learn more about English.